Cronoworking in IT Development: A Revolution in Time Management

As an independent freelance developer, I've seen how flexible hours can transform not only my productivity, but also my overall well-being. Timework, a methodology where workers choose their schedules, is gaining ground in our industry. This model is ideal for sectors where performance is measured by objectives and results, not by office hours. Here I explore how this practice fits into our world and what differences it presents with other less flexible sectors.

What is Chronoworking?

Timework allows employees to decide when they start and end their workday, adapting to their personal rhythms and particular needs. In the IT sector, where work is often highly autonomous and project-based, this flexibility can translate into greater productivity and job satisfaction.

Implementation of Cronoworking in IT Development

Tools and Technology

To successfully implement timework, it is crucial to have the right tools. Project management platforms such as Jira, Asana or Trello allow the tracking of tasks and projects regardless of the work schedule of each employee. In addition, the use of communication tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams facilitates coordination between teams that may be working at very different schedules.

Corporate culture

Adopting time work also requires a change in company culture. It is vital to foster a culture of trust and responsibility, where meeting objectives is valued more than time spent in the office. Leaders must be prepared to evaluate performance based on concrete results and not physical presence.

Benefits of Cronoworking in IT

  1. Improved Mental Health: Allowing developers to work during their most productive hours can reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Employees can adjust their schedules to better balance their personal and professional lives, which can lead to greater satisfaction and lower risk of burnout.
  2. Productivity increase: By working their most efficient schedules, employees can complete tasks more quickly and with greater quality. Developers can avoid low productivity hours and focus on working when they feel most active and focused.
  3. Talent Retention: Offering flexibility has become an important attraction for IT professionals, helping companies retain and attract talent. In a competitive labor market, companies that offer time work can stand out as employers of choice.
  4. Work-Life Balance: The possibility of adjusting schedules facilitates a better balance between personal and professional life. Employees can attend to personal responsibilities, such as childcare or recreational activities, without affecting their work performance.

Differences with Other Sectors

Not all sectors can easily adapt to time work. For example:

  1. Manufacture: Factory production requires the presence of workers at specific times to keep the production line running. The need to synchronize various stages of the production process limits time flexibility.
  2. Customer Support: Companies that offer real-time support need to cover certain hours to serve their customers, limiting employee flexibility. Continuous availability is crucial to customer satisfaction, which makes time work difficult to implement.
  3. Health: Healthcare professionals must follow strict schedules to ensure continuous and coordinated patient care. Shifts and the need for immediate emergency response require constant and predictable staff presence.

Positive and Negative Points of Cronoworking


  • Autonomy: Employees have control over their schedules, which can increase their motivation and engagement.
  • Adaptability: Companies can respond more quickly to the changing needs of the market and their employees.
  • Absenteeism Reduction: By being able to adjust their schedules, workers can avoid unnecessary absences.
  • Increased Creativity: Working unconventional hours can stimulate creativity by allowing employees to work at times when they feel most inspired.


  • Coordination: It can be difficult to coordinate meetings and projects when employees have very disparate schedules. Mismatched schedules can delay decision-making and the completion of joint tasks.
  • Time management: Requires high discipline on the part of employees to avoid imbalances in their workload. Without a clear structure, some employees may struggle to maintain productivity.
  • Performance Evaluation: It can be more difficult to measure performance and productivity if clear indicators are not established. Companies must define performance metrics that focus on results and deliverables, not hours worked.
  • Isolation: Working different hours than the rest of the team can lead to feelings of isolation. Lack of daily interaction can affect team cohesion and organizational culture.


Time work is a promising methodology for the IT development sector, offering numerous advantages that can improve both the work and personal lives of employees. However, it is essential to carefully evaluate its implementation and consider the possible disadvantages to ensure that this flexibility does not negatively affect the coordination and overall performance of the company.

Personally, I have adopted timework into my daily routine and have seen significant improvements in my productivity and job satisfaction. I firmly believe in the ability of timework to positively transform our industry, and I will continue to explore ways to integrate this methodology for the benefit of all the collaborators I work with.


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