
Composition API Components in Vue.js

In the world of web development, Vue.js has become one of the most popular frameworks due to its ease of use and excellent performance. One of the most exciting new features in Vue.js 3 is the introduction of the Composition API, a more flexible way to create and structure components in Vue.js. In this article, we will explore in detail the Composition API Components in Vue.js and how they can improve our workflow in web application development.

What is the Composition API?

The Composition API is a new way to structure components in Vue.js 3. Previously, we used data, methods, and other lifecycle hooks to define the logic of our components. However, with the Composition API, we can organize our logic into reusable functions called compositions.

These compositions allow us to group related logic in one place and reuse it across multiple components. This makes our components more readable, maintainable, and easier to test.

Benefits of the Composition API

The Composition API offers several benefits for Vue.js developers:

  1. Code reuse: The Composition API allows us to extract common logic into compositions, making it easy to reuse code across different components.
  2. Better readability: By grouping related logic into compositions, our code is more readable and understandable. This makes it easier to collaborate with other developers and maintain the application in the long term.
  3. Testability: The Composition API makes unit testing easier by separating logic from the user interface. We can test our compositions in isolation without having to worry about UI details.

Using the Composition API

To use the Composition API in Vue.js 3, we need to import the "createComponent" hook into our component:

import { createComponent } from 'vue'; export default createComponent({ setup() { // Our logic goes here } });

Within the "setup" function, we can define our reusable compositions using the hooks provided by Vue.js. For example, the "reactive" hook is used to create reactive objects and "computed" is used to define computed properties:

import { createComponent, reactive, computed } from 'vue'; export default createComponent({ setup() { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }); const double = computed(() => state.count * 2); return { state, double }; } });

In this example, we have created a reactive object called "state" with a property "count" and a computed property "double" that multiplies the value of "count" by 2. These compositions can be used in our template as follows:

    <p>Count: {{ state.count }}</p>
    <p>Double: {{ double }}</p>
    <button @click="state.count++">Increase</button>

With the Composition API, we can create reusable compositions and use them in multiple components, allowing us to write less code and have better organization of our logic.


The Composition API in Vue.js 3 is a great addition to the Vue.js ecosystem. This new way of structuring components allows us to write more reusable, readable, and easy-to-test code. If you are working on a Vue.js 3 project, I would recommend that you try the Composition API and experiment with its benefits in your development workflow.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the Composition API in Vue.js?

The Composition API is a new way of structuring components in Vue.js 3 that allows us to organize related logic into reusable functions called compositions.

2. What are the benefits of the Composition API?

The Composition API offers benefits such as code reuse, better code readability and facilitates the testability of our applications.

3. How to use the Composition API in Vue.js 3?

To use the Composition API in Vue.js 3, we need to import the "createComponent" hook into our component and define our compositions inside the "setup" function. These compositions can be used in the component template.

4. Is the Composition API backward compatible with Vue.js?

No, the Composition API is a new feature introduced in Vue.js 3 and is not compatible with previous versions of the framework.

5. What is the difference between the Composition API and component options in Vue.js 2?

The Composition API provides a more flexible and organized way to structure component logic compared to the component options in Vue.js 2. Compositions allow us to reuse code more efficiently and make our applications easier to maintain.


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