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Efficient data management with VARBINARY in MySQL

Storing data in databases is a critical skill for developers and system administrators. In this context, one of the types of data that MySQL offers and that is crucial to know is VARBINARY. This type of data allows you to store bytes of variable length, which translates into a flexible and very useful capacity to handle binary data that varies in size, such as images, multimedia files, or even encrypted data. Throughout this article, we will explore how to use the data type VARBINARY in MySQL, providing you with all the necessary technical knowledge to implement it efficiently in your projects.


VARBINARY is a data type in MySQL designed to store binary data, that is, data that does not necessarily make up readable or standard characters. Unlike BINARY, which stores fixed length bytes, VARBINARY provides the ability to store variable length data up to a maximum specified when creating the column in the database.

Basic example of creating a column VARBINARY

Imagine that you need to store scanned images or documents in your database. A field VARBINARY could be an excellent option. Here I show you how you could create a table with a field VARBINARY:

CREATE TABLE documents ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, file VARBINARY(10000) -- Capacity to store up to 10,000 bytes );

In this example, archive is a column that can store up to 10,000 bytes of binary data, which is ideal for small documents or reduced-size images.

Advantages of using VARBINARY

Use VARBINARY It has several advantages, especially when it comes to flexibility and storage efficiency:

  • Size Flexibility: Unlike BINARY, where the data size must exactly match the defined size, VARBINARY allows storing data that is smaller than the defined maximum, optimizing the use of storage space.

  • Storage Efficiency: Storing data exactly as it is needed without extra space can mean more efficient use of your database storage resources.

  • Widespread Use: From configuration data in binary format to files and documents, VARBINARY It can handle a wide range of binary data types, providing a suitable solution for various storage needs.

How to insert and manage data VARBINARY

Let's see how you could insert and then retrieve binary data using VARBINARY. Let's say you have a local file that you want to store in the database.

Insert binary data

To insert data, you will first need to convert your file to a binary format that can be stored in the database. You can do this through a program or script that reads the file and converts it into a binary string.

INSERT INTO documents (file) VALUES (?);

Note that I use a question mark ? as a placeholder for the binary data you are going to insert. Usually, this process is handled through a programming language that allows you to prepare this data, such as Python, Java, or C#.

Recover binary data

To retrieve data from a column VARBINARY, simply select the column as you would any other data type.

SELECT file FROM documents WHERE id = 1;

The result will be a string of bytes that you will then need to process or convert back to its original format, depending on how you want to use the data.

Good practices when using VARBINARY

  1. Define the size appropriately: Realistically estimate the maximum size of data you plan to store so as not to reserve unnecessary space in your database.
  2. Use appropriate tools for data conversion: Ensure that conversion of files to binary format and vice versa is handled correctly to avoid data corruption.
  3. Stay safe: Given the VARBINARY can store any type of binary data, it is crucial to implement good security practices to protect this data, especially if it includes sensitive information.


The data type VARBINARY MySQL is a powerful choice for storing variable-length binary information. It is ideal for applications that need to save dynamic data such as images, compressed files, among others, where storage size flexibility is a priority. If you are interested in learning more about database management and other types of essential data, I invite you to visit my blog at NelkoDev or if you have specific questions, do not hesitate to contact me through my contact page! contact!


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