
Fluent Animations with requestAnimationFrame: Complete Guide

Creating smooth and efficient animations in web applications can be quite a challenge, especially when we seek a balance between performance and visual quality. Thanks to requestAnimationFrame, developers have a powerful tool that allows us to optimize user interface animations so that they are fluid and friendly to system resources. In this topic, we will explore how to take advantage requestAnimationFrame to improve animations in your web projects.

What is requestAnimationFrame?

requestAnimationFrame (rAF) is a browser API that signals to the browser that you want to perform an animation and requests that the browser schedule a repaint of the window for the next animation cycle. Unlike setTimeout o setInterval, which can also be used for animations, requestAnimationFrame It runs optimally by adapting to the conditions of the user's browser and hardware. This means it automatically adjusts the animation refresh rate for different devices and situations, ensuring smoother, less resource-consuming animation.

Advantages of Using requestAnimationFrame

Synchronization with Browser Refresh

requestAnimationFrame runs just before the browser repaint, meaning that each call is perfectly synchronized with the browser's repaint cycle. This avoids flickering issues and provides a much cleaner and smoother viewing experience.

Energy efficiency

Running only when necessary, requestAnimationFrame It doesn't waste CPU cycles at times when visual updates are not happening, such as when the browser tab is not active. This not only improves overall performance but also contributes to better battery management on mobile devices.

Best Animation Performance

Given the requestAnimationFrame is optimized for animations, it can more efficiently handle animation-intensive updates without impacting overall page performance as much.

How to Implement Animations with requestAnimationFrame

Basic Example

To illustrate how it works requestAnimationFrame, we'll start with a simple example of an animation of a square moving across the screen.

let posX = 0; function animate() { xpos += 1; // move the square one unit to the right someElement.style.left = `${posX}px`; // update the position of the element on the screen requestAnimationFrame(animate); // call animate again in next cycle } requestAnimationFrame(animate);

This code moves an element to the right indefinitely. Every time you call encourage, updates the position of the element and then schedules itself to be called again in the next repaint cycle using requestAnimationFrame.

Using Timing to Control Animation

Although the example above works, moving an element at a constant speed on different devices can be a challenge because not all devices have the same screen refresh rate. To ensure smooth animation regardless of hardware, we can incorporate timing into our animation function.

let lastFrameTime = 0; const speed = 0.1; // Speed in pixels per millisecond function animate(timestamp) { if (!lastFrameTime) lastFrameTime = timestamp; const timeDiff = timestamp - lastFrameTime; const moveX = timeDiff * speed; posX += moveX; someElement.style.left = `${posX}px`; lastFrameTime = timestamp; requestAnimationFrame(animate); } requestAnimationFrame(animate);

Here, timestamp represents the time in milliseconds since the page execution began. When calculating the time difference between frames (timeDiff), we can adjust the amount of movement based on the actual time that has passed, achieving a constant animation speed.

Improvements and Optimization

Pause/Stop Status Management

It's handy to be able to pause or stop the animation. This can be done by storing the request ID requestAnimationFrame and using cancelAnimationFrame when necessary.

Precautions and Best Practices

There are several things to consider to optimize the use of requestAnimationFrame:

  • Minimize work on each frame: Work as much as possible outside of animation functions and limit what you do in each frame to reduce workload.
  • Use development tools: Use your browser's developer tools to monitor the performance of your animations and make adjustments as necessary.


Use requestAnimationFrame It not only provides a simple API for creating animations but also ensures efficient use of system resources, offering pleasant visual experiences for end users. By following the techniques shown and applying them in your projects, you not only improve the performance but also the overall quality of your web applications.

If you need more information on advanced topics or have specific concerns, do not hesitate to visit my website at NelkoDev or contact me directly via this link. I'm here to help you boost your development skills and make sure your projects shine on the modern web.

Happy coding!


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