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Master Multi-Row INSERT in MySQL

In the world of database development, inserting multiple records simultaneously can save time and improve code efficiency. In MySQL, this operation is essential not only to maintain efficiency, but also to manage large-scale data effectively. By the way, if you need to expand your knowledge in SQL or related tools, I suggest you visit my blog where you will find a variety of resources and guides.

Why use multiple row insertion?

When working with large volumes of data, such as in web applications or information systems, it becomes crucial to be able to insert multiple rows of data in a single operation. This approach minimizes the number of SQL queries sent to the server, reducing I/O load and thus optimizing overall application performance.

Basic INSERT syntax for multiple rows in MySQL

The syntax for inserting multiple rows into a MySQL table is straightforward but powerful. Here I show you how it is done:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (value1a, value2a, value3a), (value1b, value2b, value3b), (value1c, value2c, value3c);

In the previous example, table_name would be the name of the table in your database where you want to insert the data. column1, column2, column3 are the names of the columns into which you want to insert the data. Each set of parentheses in VALUES represents a new row of data to be inserted into the table.

Multiple insertion use cases

Example 1: Inserting data into a user table

Imagine that you want to insert three new users into your database. The board users It has three columns: id, name and email. Here's how you would do it:

INSERT INTO users (id, name, email) VALUES (1, 'Ana Torres', '[email protected]'), (2, 'Luis Navarro', '[email protected]'), ( 3, 'Carmen Sanz', '[email protected]');

Example 2: Using multiple insert to populate an order table

Suppose you are filling out a table orders which records product purchases with columns for id, product and quantity:

INSERT INTO orders (id, product, quantity) VALUES (101, 'MySQL Book', 2), (102, 'Python Course', 1), (103, 'Data Subscription', 4);

Tips for optimizing multiple insertions

1. Limit the number of rows per query

Although MySQL can handle large inserts, it is wise not to overload a single query with too many rows. This could make the query more susceptible to failure and could lock the table for longer than necessary.

2. Use transactions

To ensure data integrity when inserting multiple rows, especially in large-scale applications, consider wrapping your inserts in a transaction:

START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO table (columns) VALUES (data), (data), (data); COMMIT;

3. Adjust MySQL server configuration

If you regularly need to perform bulk inserts, you might consider adjusting the bulk_insert_buffer_size to improve performance.


Inserting multiple rows in MySQL is not only an essential technical skill for any database developer, but it is also a key enabler for application performance. Remember that fewer connections and fewer writes to the DB will always add up to greater efficiency. If you have any questions or want to learn more about advanced MySQL techniques, feel free to visit my page. contact.

As you progress with MySQL, continuing to explore and experiment with different methods will help you further understand its capabilities and how to apply them effectively in your projects. Happy coding!


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