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Master the BETWEEN Operator in MySQL: Easy and Accurate Data Ranges

MySQL, without a doubt, is one of the most used database management systems in the world of software development. As developers, we often face the need to extract data that falls within a specific range, be it dates, numbers, or even text. This is where the MySQL BETWEEN operator becomes an indispensable tool. Through practical examples and detailed explanation, we will explore how you can use BETWEEN to make your queries more efficient and accurate.

What is the BETWEEN Operator?

The BETWEEN operator makes it easy to select elements within a specific range. It is inclusive, meaning it includes the start and end values of the range you specify. It can be used with numbers, dates and texts in your SQL clauses.

BETWEEN General Syntax

The basic syntax of BETWEEN is simple and straightforward. Here's how it usually looks:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE column BETWEEN value1 AND value2;

This structure allows you to select one or more columns from a table where some specific column falls within the range defined by value1 y value2.

Practical Use of BETWEEN with Numbers

Imagine you are the administrator of an online store and you want to find all orders that total between $100 and $500 for a promotion. Your query could look like this:

SELECT order_id, total FROM orders WHERE total BETWEEN 100 AND 500;

This query would return all order_id together with his total that are within that price range.

BETWEEN and Dates

Date management is crucial, especially in databases that store information about reservations, events or activity histories. Let's say you want to find all the events that will occur in a specific date range. Your query could look like this:

SELECT event_name, start_date FROM events WHERE start_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-12-31';

This query searches for events whose start date is between January 1 and the end of the year 2023, including both days.

BETWEEN with Text

Although less common, BETWEEN can also be used to select data based on alphabet or text. For example, if you need to select all products whose name starts with letters between 'A' and 'F', you could use the following query:

SELECT product_name FROM products WHERE product_name BETWEEN 'A' AND 'Fzzzz';

Here, we use 'Fzzzz' to ensure we include all products starting with the letter 'F'.

Tips and Considerations When Using BETWEEN

  1. Inclusivity: BETWEEN always includes edge values in its results. This is important to remember when designing ranges so you don't accidentally exclude important data.
  2. Indices: Using BETWEEN on indexed columns can significantly improve query performance by allowing the database engine to optimize range searching.
  3. Use with LIKE: Sometimes you might need to use BETWEEN in combination with LIKE for non-exact ranges in texts. It is crucial to understand how these operators interact.


The BETWEEN operator in MySQL is a powerful and flexible tool for working with data ranges. Its ability to handle numbers, dates and text makes it an indispensable option in many consulting situations. I invite you to experiment with the examples provided and see how BETWEEN can simplify and strengthen your SQL queries.

For any questions or more information, visit my blog at NelkoDev or contact me directly at Contact NelkoDev. I'm here to help you master MySQL and many other essential aspects of software development. Your progress as a developer is my priority!


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