
Mastering the SQL LIKE Operator for Pattern Search

Searching for information in databases is one of the most common tasks performed by both developers and data analysts. In the world of SQL, the LIKE operator is presented as an essential tool for performing queries that require pattern matching in data. This operator, together with the wildcards % y _, offers impressive flexibility in searching and filtering records. Through this article, we will explore how to use the LIKE operator in MySQL to optimize your queries and get the most out of your data.

What is SQL and why is it important?

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the de facto standard for managing and manipulating relational databases. It allows users to read, create, update, and delete data in a database, which is essential for virtually any application that stores information in a structured way. Mastering SQL is essential due to its wide use in industry and its ability to work with large volumes of data efficiently.

Understanding the LIKE Operator

LIKE is an operator used in SQL to search for a specific pattern in a column of text. Unlike a regular compare operation that searches for an exact match, LIKE allows pattern searching using two main wildcards:

  • %: Represents any sequence of zero or more characters.
  • _: Represents a single character.

Basic Examples of Use

Suppose you have a table called Users with a column Name. If we want to find all the names that start with 'Mar', the query would be:


This use of % allows us to recover records such as 'Mario', 'María', 'Marcelo', etc.

On the other hand, if we are interested in finding names that have exactly five letters and begin with 'Mar', we would use _ as follows:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name LIKE 'Mar__';

This will filter out names like 'Marta' or 'Marco', but not 'Maria'.

Delving into Patterns with LIKE

We can combine both wildcards to formulate more complex queries. Imagine you want to find all names that start with any letter, followed by 'ar' and that end with any set of letters. The corresponding query would be:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name LIKE '%ar%';

This pattern is useful when we don't know the exact position of the letters within the string, but we know some of the content we want to locate.

Advanced Use Cases

In business scenarios, LIKE can be extremely useful for filtering data based on flexible criteria. Suppose that in a product database we want to find all the articles whose name contains the word 'shoe'. The query could look like this:

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductName LIKE '%shoe%';

This type of query is ubiquitous in e-commerce development, where search patterns can vary widely depending on user input.

Performance Considerations

While LIKE is powerful, it is crucial to use it properly to avoid performance issues on large databases. The excessive use of % at the beginning of the patterns ('%text') can lead to slower searches because the database engine must examine all entries in the column. Whenever possible, try to structure your data and queries so that you can minimize the use of wildcards, or consider using full-text indexes to improve efficiency.


The LIKE operator, along with wildcards % y _, is a must-have tool for anyone working with SQL databases. Whether you're developing applications, analyzing data, or simply managing information, understanding how and when to use LIKE will allow you to make more powerful and flexible queries. To learn more about SQL and other useful features, I invite you to visit my blog NelkoDev and discover the resources I have to offer you. If you have questions or need advice for your projects, do not hesitate to contact me.

Remember to practice what you have learned with real examples and exercises, adjusting them to your specific needs. Happy coding!


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