
Optimize Your Development: Continuous Integration in Vue.js with Jenkins

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are essential practices in modern software development. These practices allow teams to detect errors early, improve software quality, and accelerate delivery time. Jenkins, one of the most popular open source automation tools, can be configured for Vue.js projects, ensuring an efficient and robust workflow. In this article, we'll explore how to set up a CI/CD system for a Vue.js project using Jenkins, detailing each step to ensure a successful deployment.

Why use Jenkins in Vue.js projects?

Jenkins is widely recognized for its ability to automate different phases of software development. By integrating it into projects that use Vue.js, Jenkins offers advantages such as:

  • Automation of the build and testing process: Jenkins can automate the build of your Vue.js application every time a commit is made to the repository, ensuring that code changes don't break existing functionality.
  • Continuous deployment: It allows automatic deployment of the application to different test and production environments, facilitating a faster and more stable release cycle.
  • Quick feedback: Each change is automatically verified, providing almost immediate feedback on the health of the project, which is essential for early bug fixes.

Initial configuration of Jenkins for Vue.js

Before you get started with Jenkins, make sure you have it installed and running correctly on your system. You can follow the official guides in the Jenkins website to install it on different operating systems.

1. Installation of necessary plugins

Once Jenkins is running, the first step is to install the plugins that will facilitate the integration with Vue.js. You will need to:

  • NodeJS Plugin: This plugin allows Jenkins to manage Node.js installations and run npm scripts.
  • GitPlugin: To integrate your source code repository with Jenkins.

To install these plugins, go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available, search for these plugins and select install without restart.

2. Setting up the Node.js environment in Jenkins

After installing the NodeJS Plugin, you must set up a Node.js environment:

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration.
  2. Find the section NodeJS and add a NodeJS.
  3. Name your configuration and select the version of Node.js your project requires.
  4. Optionally, you can configure global environment variables that your project may need.

3. Creating a new Job in Jenkins

To begin continuous integration of your Vue.js project, you will need to create a new job:

  1. In Jenkins, go to New Item.
  2. Choose Freestyle project and assign a name to your project.
  3. Click okay to create the job.

4. Git repository configuration

In the Job configuration:

  1. Go to section Source Code Management.
  2. Choose Git and provide the URL of your repository.
  3. Configure credentials if necessary.

5. Build configuration

In the section Build:

  1. Click Add build step and select Execute shell for Unix/Linus projects or Run Windows batch command for Windows projects.
  2. Place the necessary commands to install dependencies and build your Vue.js project. Usually, they will be something like this:

    npm install npm run build

6. Post-build configuration for notifications and deployments

Finally, in the section Post-build Actions, you can configure actions like:

  • Send notifications: You can configure Jenkins to send email notifications in case of build failures.
  • Deploy to production or testing environments: Configure scripts to automate the deployment of your built application to test or production servers.


Setting up Jenkins for your Vue.js project may seem complex at first, but with proper planning and understanding of the tools you can greatly improve the process of developing and deploying your applications.

Implementing CI/CD is not only about improving development efficiency, but also ensuring the quality of the delivered software. If you have specific questions or need help setting up your environment, feel free to contact me through the contact section. contact from my blog.

Happy coding!


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