
6 social networks that can help you grow if you are a content creator

You want to know What are the social networks that can help you grow if you are a content creator??

The professional world is changing. Creators have become one of the professions that is experiencing a huge boom, with more than 50 million registered content creators in 2021.

Social media is dominating marketing and companies are investing more and more in influencers and people who create content, since they are transforming the concept of traditional work that many had until now.

For this reason we are going to discover What are the best social networks to create and monetize content?.

6 social networks that can help you grow

If you are a content creator, there are 6 social networks that can help you grow and monetize your content in different ways.

  1. Facebook

Facebook is one of the most used social networks worldwide. It has more than 19 million users, which makes it a powerful tool for online marketing strategies.

For influencers and content creators, Facebook has various functions and tools so that your content reaches a larger audience.

But what are the tools that Facebook offers for content creators?

In addition to the stories that this social network uses in a similar way to the Instagram platform, this network has several specific functions:

  • Stories for events: It is a tool similar to the one that was launched in 2017 by the Snapchap application.
  • Stickers for stories: They can be added in stories and responses to improve interaction with the audience.
  • Publication visibility: The platform shares the content creators' posts with other people even if they are not followers.
  • Monetization options: Verified brand accounts can use the features to include purchase links and tag products in images, so users know how they can purchase them.
  1. Instagram

There is no doubt that Instagram has become one of the most popular social networks. Millions of people use this application, which has great value within the content strategy to gain followers and grow any personal brand or business.

An optimized Instagram profile is an ideal tool to let the public know who you are, what you do and what you have to offer the audience.

The bio on your Instagram profile is a call to action that tells people the details of your brand and what the links are to other social networks or your website.

One of the advantages of Instagram is featured stories. These are a showcase to show the public different content options and add links that redirect people to your WhatsApp or other web addresses.

The content strategies within this platform have a very visual quality. Instagram content has advantages when connecting with customers:

  • Connect with a wide segment of the public.
  • Create a relationship of trust with followers.
  • Increase interaction with the public.

The exposure of publications within this social network is dominated by the Instagram algorithm, so it is necessary that you be constant in your publication rate so as not to lose the interest of your followers.

And what about advertising on Instagram?

Instgram Ads campaigns are a potential resource to make your brand visible. Through marketing and influencer campaign strategies you can increase likes, gain followers and increase the value of the account.

Therefore, this social network is one of the best options to generate engagement and grow your brand through an interactive and quality-optimized content experience.

  1. Tik Tok

Tik Tok is one of the social networks that has grown the fastest in recent years. In 2021 was in seventh place for the most downloaded social networks with more than a billion users.

This platform of Chinese origin continues to grow at an incredible rate, with more than 45% new users in one year.

One of the reasons that has made this platform so popular among users is that it dominates the short Instagram video format. And although many companies still prefer other social networks such as Instagram or Facebook, Tik Tok is gaining strength in the world of marketing and among influencers.

Companies have various business tools within Tik Tok such as business profiles and advertisements. These changes are changing the way many brands see this platform for 2022.

Another reason why more and more brands are investing in this platform is that users find Tik Tok videos more attractive and fun than those on other social networks.

What other reason do you need to open a Tik Tok account for your business?

Trends show that the level of engagement on this platform offers great results when it comes to diversifying content options to reach new audiences.

Advertisements on this type of platform are better adapted to the organic content that users of this social network publish and consume, which translates into more entertaining content that increases conversions.

Experiment with creating posts on this platform if you want to grow your organic content and find new options for the public to discover what you have to offer to the market.

  1. Youtube

Despite According to a 2020 study published by Vidyard, 60% of video content published during that year was less than two minutes long., YouTube continues to be one of the star platforms known for its long-form videos.

But like the rest of the platforms, YouTube has not been left behind in its evolution and now has the option of short videos.

YouTube Shorts is one of the features that refreshed and further boosted the reach of this platform, and which is part of the tools that many content creators use to connect and arouse the interest of the audience.

But what tools does YouTube offer to monetize content?

When it comes to monetizing content on this platform, YouTube BrandConnect is the tool that connects content creators with various brands  with the objective of carrying out campaigns that monetize products and services.

Its functions and tools make this platform one of the most profitable social networks for any content creator looking to monetize videos with an average length longer than that of Instagram or Facebook.

  1. Twitch

Twitch is a streaming platform whose main attraction is its video content focused on video game players., and broadcasts of various events related to the world of virtual games.

It was created in 2011 and although it initially focused mainly on electronic sports broadcasts known as eSports, By 2013, its active users totaled more than 43 million users..

This platform has had unstoppable growth and currently, it is recorded that many of YouTube users and content creators are beginning to test the advantages of Twitch.

But what advantages does Twitch offer compared to other platforms?

One of the main differences of this platform with other social networks is its subscribers and followers. Unlike YouTube, Followers on Twitch are subscribers who pay to access certain streams.

Although it is not necessary to pay a subscription to follow an account, by doing so subscribers have access to certain advantages:

  • Receive featured emblems in chat.
  • Purchase gift cards to show support for streamers.
  • Send rewards to content creators to show appreciation for their work.

Furthermore, on Twitch it is possible to create an entire community of subscribers who follow broadcasts and constantly support the content created, earning levels through this that show the time and support that a user has had towards a streamer.

  1. Twitter

It is the social network known for being the news portal par excellence. Twitter is one of the platforms that has great potential to connect brands with their target audience.

On this channel the audience can follow and interact directly with their favorite brands and content creators. This makes this social network one of the ideal content channels to increase interaction with the audience.

In addition, like the previous platforms, it offers content creators tools for monetization such as super follows.

But what other tools for content creators does Twitter offer?

  • Super follows: They are aimed at obtaining remuneration from the creation of content, so that brands continue to provide valuable content to users.
  • Spaces: It is not a monetization tool as such, but it is very useful for content creators and brands as it is an audio tool that allows them to come into direct contact with followers.

And what do you think of these platforms? ¿What do you think are the best social networks that can help you grow as a content creator?? Let us know your opinion on this topic or tell us if there is another social network that you think has the potential to monetize content.


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