
Get to know my personal portfolio, where you will find some of the projects I have worked on as a freelancer.

Most recent projects

Throughout my career I have worked on projects of all kinds, among them we can find: ERP systems, task automations, web pages with WordPress, online stores, API's systems, data recognition and analysis, among others...

EVA Assistant

EVA Assistant is an advanced artificial intelligence project developed with Python and the OpenAI API. EVA has been trained to act as a personal assistant and perform various functions, including code checking, work time estimation, data analysis, and personal voice assistance with personalized actions such as sending emails, sending WhatsApp messages, reminders and code generation. In addition, EVA has vision capabilities that allow it to use the device's webcam to view the environment, interact with people through facial recognition, identify mood through images, and recognize objects in the environment. EVA can also provide practical instructions for real-world use cases, such as assembling furniture, locating objects, and analyzing physical environments.

Technologies: Python, OpenAI API, Computer Vision, Facial Recognition,


ChatAI is an innovative project that integrates the OpenAI API into WhatsApp using the WhatsApp JS library. This system allows you to convert a WhatsApp phone into a chatbot with artificial intelligence capable of performing various advanced functions. ChatAI can analyze images, transcribe audio notes, respond with voice and text, create images, and employ up to 48 custom AI agents. The project has been developed using Node.js and the OpenAI API, offering an intelligent and versatile interaction experience through WhatsApp.

Technologies: Node.js, OpenAI API, WhatsApp JS,

Content Master

ContentMaster is a project designed to generate and analyze relevant content using CSV files and the OpenAI API. This system allows you to examine general content to create SEO-optimized texts for articles, develop commercial proposals based on customer data, analyze data and reports, and evaluate performance metrics. Highly customizable, ContentMaster uses technologies such as Node.js, PHP and various external APIs such as OpenAI and Google to offer a comprehensive solution for content management and generation.

Technologies: Node.js, PHP, OpenAI API, Google API,


Autopost is an innovative project that automates the creation and publication of blog articles, significantly improving efficiency in content management. The platform allows advanced SEO settings for Rank Math and Yoast, ensuring each post is optimized for search engines. Additionally, it generates custom images for articles using OpenAI's DALL-E API and analyzes content using the Google Search API. Autopost also uses OpenAI's GPT API for text generation, providing high-quality and relevant content.

Technologies: WordPress, Google Search API, OpenAI DALL-E API, OpenAI GPT API, Rank Math, Yoast SEO.

Scrapping Business

Scrapping Business is a project that uses Puppeteer to scrape business information on the Internet, using Google Maps as a knowledge base. The system allows you to obtain domains, emails, telephone numbers and locations of various companies. Developed in Node.js, this project stores and processes the data obtained in CSV files, creating lists of potential clients based on geographic location. In addition, it uses the Google Maps API to obtain coordinates and uses CURL to download entire pages, examining social media profiles and relevant information using regular expressions (REGEX).

Technologies: Node.js, Puppeteer, Google Maps API, CURL, REGEX,


Creation of a customizable modular CRM that allows you to create contacts, businesses, products and clients. With the objective of helping with the comprehensive management of lead acquisition and control.

The system is created to maintain complete customization on different fields and modules, which allows a comprehensive adaptation for any type of company that needs to install a CRM in its company.

Technologies: Laravel, CSS, HTML


Online store developed in Woocommerce synchronized with different suppliers to automate product and order management processes directly with suppliers.

The system has an intranet adapted to the client's needs that allows them to manage different price margins and offers on their products.

It also has a personalized integration of price analysis in the most famous portals in the technological field, which allows the company to obtain data in real time and make personalized offers or prices to surpass the competition.

Technologies: Woocommerce, WordPress, API's, Codeigniter 4, CSS, AI,...


Creation from scratch of a business ERP developed with PHP in the backend and bootstrap 4 in the frontend. The system incorporates different modules, including: Purchases, Sales, Contracts, Suppliers, Customers, Assistance, Fleet, Employees. 

The system has automated management processes that allow employees and managers to control everything that happens within the business group in real time, with automatic sending of reports, incident control, analysis of work performed and processes integrated with the customer acquisition.

In addition, the system has a panel dedicated to clients, internal CRM for contact management and creation of documents for contracts and notifications.

Technologies: Codeigniter 4, Bootstrap 4, Javascript, PHP, XML, CSV,...


Creation of the TuTrivu community for mothers and fathers with a system of forums, discussion groups and a members' area with a personalized Match system that allows them to connect by affinity. It has a membership system created configured with paid membership pro integrated with the rest of the features (member search by membership, etc.).

Technologies: WordPress + Buddypress + PWA + Paid Membership Pro


Creation of the Esentya Estate commercial website created with wordpress and designed with Elementor Pro. It has a CRM intranet where they can publish their properties in bulk on real estate portals and an API connection with their Pipedrive commercial CRM.

Technologies: WordPress + Codeigniter (CRM intranet) + Pipedrive API

personal research

In addition to the larger projects, I have developed several smaller and more interesting projects that demonstrate my versatility and skills in different areas of development. These projects include:

  • Bots for Twitch and Telegram: I have created bots for Twitch and Telegram that automate various tasks and improve interaction with users. The Twitch bot can manage chat, respond to custom commands, provide notifications, and run giveaways, while the Telegram bot can send reminders, manage groups, answer FAQs, and provide real-time information.

  • IGDB Clone: This project is a clone of the popular IGDB video game database, with functionalities such as game search, details display, category sorting, and user features such as favorites lists and reviews.

  • Instabot: Bot to automate Instagram functions: follow, unfollow, like, post and chat. Powered by artificial intelligence to generate comments, chat messages, view posts and analyze useful data for the social media department.

These projects demonstrate my ability to work with various technologies and APIs, as well as my ability to create innovative and functional solutions.

Technologies: Node.js, Python, Twitch API, Telegram API, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, IGDB API,


Creation of an administration panel adapted to the client's needs, which allows them to manage their asset portfolio, control of collaborators, import systems with portals and external collaborators.

The system has full import and export control through XML and customized systems for portals such as IDEALISTA that allow the company to publish its properties automatically on the most important portals in its range of action.

In addition, the system is integrated with lead capture, recognizing, thanks to artificial intelligence and different external APIs, data on location, language, and other important aspects of the client.

Technologies: Codeigniter 4, Javascript, XML, API's, AI,...


Website developed with WordPress


Comprehensive custom development service with web maintenance


Website developed with WP + Custom Theme


Online store developed with Woommerce + affiliation + points


Website developed with WordPress


Website developed with WordPress


Website developed with WordPress


Website developed with WordPress


Website developed with WordPress


Website developed with WordPress and custom development for marketing application


Website developed with WordPress with store developed with Woocommerce


Website developed with WordPress


Online store developed with Woocommerce + comprehensive digital marketing service


Online store developed with Woocommerce with custom development for product integration and auto generation of offers and competitive prices with more than 7 distributors


Website developed with WordPress + custom development of corporate intranet with ERP, CRM and billing


Website developed with WordPress


Online store developed in Woocommerce


Online store developed in Woocommerce

What do my clients think?

The opinion of my clients is very important to me. Thanks to your reviews you motivate my efforts to continue growing day by day.
