11 tips and tricks for WordPress in 2022

If you want to know what are the tips and tricks for WordPress in 2022, here we bring you a small guide that will teach you what you should put into practice so that your blog reaches its maximum potential.

Tips Guide for WordPress in 2022

Updating and verifying security levels are two elements that WordPress is paying more and more attention to. So let's see what those are. tips for WordPress in 2022 that you should put into practice to optimize your blog.

  1. Be careful with reloading your sidebar

Never make your sidebar a mess full of ads, social media icons, and links. Include only the most important things, to make sure visitors find just what they're looking for.

Your sidebar needs to be as clean and functional as possible. And if you need more links, you can create submenus that appear when browsing the main menu, making it easier for users to search.

  1. Create a short permalink

A correctly structured permalink generates confidence in search engines that they will be able to interpret it correctly. And a very important factor that you should keep in mind is to avoid using a permalink that is very long.

Instead, try a few words that describe the blog, and that make sense so that it will be interpreted correctly outside the site.

  1. Update your WordPress constantly

WordPress is often a target of hackers due to the high user traffic it generates. This makes it a vulnerable platform, so Updating WordPress whenever new updates are available can be one of the most valuable security tasks.

Updating your site will be one of the keys to its security. If you have multiple blogs on the same server and use the command line, you can use WP-CLI to automate tasks, plugins and themes. Keep in mind that the longer you wait to update, the more opportunities hackers will have to break into your website.

  1. Use a strong password

In WordPress you will need strong passwords to ensure security. The same applies to your database, email, and even servers.

To create a secure password you can use a password manager that helps you generate one and save it without running the risk of forgetting it.

  1. Download an SSL certificate for your blog

Installing an SSL certificate will convert your website to HTTPS, which means it will be much more difficult to steal information from your site. SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is an encryption protocol for data shared between visitors' browsers and your website.

There are hosting servers that take care of this almost automatically, but it doesn't hurt to verify it because this security factor has great value in positioning.

  1. Take advantage of your footer

Footers are often used by users to find out who runs the site, how to contact the owner, or to see what is the most recent content based on copyright date.

For this reason, you have to get the most out of your footer, since this resource can increase sales, referrals and traffic to your site. You can include a short biography, links to other pages or other information that you consider relevant.

  1. Make backups in WordPress

Installing a good backup plugin for your WordPress is important, since you must have backups. Depending on your blog's configurations, you can use cPanel to create backups if you don't have a plugin installed or check your hosting options.

  1. Change your WordPress blog themes

WordPress typically offers several free and premium pre-installed theme options. Most people use the free versions. However, premium themes are better designed and allow you to add more advanced details to your blog, such as e-commerce plugins.

  1. Install only the plugins you are going to use

WordPress plugins can be useful, but Too many plugins can cause your website to become extremely slow. And a slow page translates into loss of position in search engines.

Therefore, if you want your website to rank well you have to consider optimizing for performance, and avoid using too many plugins.

  1. Create a landing page as the front page of your site

To create a landing page, the first thing you will have to do is Create a “home” page and then a second page for your blog. Then go to reading settings and click the static page option button to choose your front page home page, and your blog page for posts.

  1. Use the Easy Tweet Embed program

Easy Tweet Embed is a program that can help you create links so that readers can tweet the content of your posts to his followers.

This program is responsible for creating the content of the tweets for you. This way, you won't have to create links manually every time you write a post, which will save you a lot of time.

And what did you think of these? tricks for WordPress in 2022? Start putting them into practice now so that your blog is updated and you continue to grow with your project.


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