Start your Project with Symfony: Initial Configuration Guide

Symfony is one of the most popular frameworks for developing web applications in PHP. It offers a robust structure, an active community and agile development. In this article I will guide you step by step to set up your Symfony project from scratch, ensuring that you can start your development efficiently and effectively.

Why choose Symfony?

Before we dive into the initial setup, it's essential to understand the benefits of using Symfony. This framework stands out for its flexibility, adaptability and the extensive functionalities it offers, which facilitates the maintenance and scalability of applications. Additionally, Symfony is known for its security, which is vital for any web application today.

Previous requirements

To start a project with Symfony, you need to meet some basic requirements:

  • PHP: Version 7.2.5 or higher.
  • composer: You must have Composer installed, which is the dependency manager for PHP.
  • Symfony CLI: The Symfony command line simplifies the creation and management of your projects.

You can install Composer and Symfony CLI with the following command lines:

# Install Composer php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" php composer-setup.php php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');" mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer # Install Symfony CLI wget -O - | bash export PATH="$HOME/.symfony5/bin:$PATH"

Create a Symfony Project

Once you have the prerequisites, the next step is to create a new project. This can be easily done using the command provided by Symfony CLI:

symfony new my_symfony_project --full

This command creates a new project called my_symfony_project with all the necessary dependencies. The option --full installs all features by default, including components for a complete web application like Doctrine, Twig, Symfony WebServer, etc.

Environment Configuration

When working with Symfony, it is important to configure the development environment properly. This includes:

Environment Variables

Symfony uses environment variables to configure the application in different environments (development, production, etc.). These variables are defined in the file .env at the root of your project. Here you can configure the database, SMTP servers, API keys, etc.

A common example is database configuration:

# .env DATABASE_URL="mysql://db_user:[email protected]:3306/db_name"

Web Server Configuration

You can use Symfony's built-in web server for development. To start the server, simply run the following command in the terminal:

symfony server:start

This command will set up a local server on where you can see your project.

Project Structure

Understanding Symfony's directory structure will help you better organize your code and manage your files efficiently. Some of the most important directories are:

  • src/: Contains the PHP files of your application (controllers, services, etc.).
  • templates/: Stores Twig template files.
  • config/: Contains all configuration files.
  • public/: Public root directory with the index.php and assets.

Getting Started with the Controller

To generate your first page, you can create a controller. Symfony makes this easy with its console. Run the following command:

php bin/console make:controller HomeController

This command creates a new controller called HomeController with an action index() which you can modify to render your first view.


You have configured your Symfony environment and are ready to start developing robust and scalable applications. Remember, Symfony is powerful thanks to its community and extensive documentation, which you can explore to delve deeper into specific details and advanced capabilities of the framework. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Continue to explore and learn as you progress in your Symfony project, and always make sure to keep best practices and security as your top priorities. Happy coding!


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